© 2024 B2 Architecture
Explore the places, spaces and environments we’ve created that are improving, enhancing and elevating the way we live, learn, work, play and experience our world.
The redevelopment and modernisation of Lalor East Primary School’s facilities allowed the school to evolve its pedagogical approach and embrace a variety of new teaching and learning modalities.
Modular design allowed the majority of the construction of these six car rental offices to be undertaken offsite and installed overnight in the busy Melbourne Airport carpark.
Designed and built using modular construction methods, the new centre provides a dedicated home economics learning space, four flexible classrooms, support, multipurpose breakout spaces, and staff facilities.
Built using modular construction methods, the new two-storey learning centre features flexible indoor and outdoor learning environments that promote connection, collaboration and wellbeing.
Designed to support and facilitate the school’s pedagogical approach and promote collaborative learning, South Yarra Primary School’s new learning centre features flexible, contemporary learning environments and spaces.
The redevelopment of this much-loved children’s centre, will create a new, engaging and stimulating environment where its children can learn, play, grow, connect and develop for decades to come.