• Client: Department of Education and Training Victoria
  • Sector: Education
  • Budget: $10.8 Million
  • Completed: Completed in 2022
  • Disciplines: Architecture, Interior Design
  • Role: Principal Design Consultant
  • Builder: Devco Project & Construction Management
Development of a new senior student learning centre and sporting facilities

With most of Lyndale Secondary College’s buildings and facilities dating back to 1961, many had become unfit for purpose, under-utilised and dilapidated. B2 worked closely with the community and stakeholders to develop a Master Plan that would transform it in to a 21st century learning environment and make best use of the available $10.8 million budget. Having worked with the school community to successfully deliver Stages 1, 2 and 3 of the works, the senior learning centre sees the completion of Stage 4 of the Master Plan. This final stage of the Lyndale Secondary College masterplan involved the construction of a new senior student learning centre, that features engaging and contemporary learning environments, along with a multi-purpose synthetic sports field and landscaping to create a new centralised community courtyard.